Sounds like my ds6. Only, he has heightened sensetivity 90% of the time. Like Kriston had mentioned above, it more than likely goes along with the GT. My son has issues with tags, socks, belts, pants. He likes to eat very plain foods, same ones again & again, super sensetive to smells & tastes.

As for appetite, with him it is all or nothing. Either we are in a stage of not eating or continuous eating! Food is just not important to him. He only eats to survive & even then, it is hard to get him to actually sit in his seat.

He never sits still unless focused on writing a story & making pictures. That is his creative outlet. Otherwise, he has to be doing something...building something, role-playing or creating a new game for him & his brother to play.

My ds4 will actually give me a break & sit still for 30 minutes once or twice a day for a cartoon. But, my GT ds6 won't. He wants cartoons on in the background, but will continue with what he is doing.

As for sleeping, your son needs quiet, but mine needs white noise AND classical music. Nonstop stimulation.