My son was evaluated by school and following are what they provided:

Similarity 140
Vocab 135
Figure weights 125
Matrix reasoning 145
Digit Span 135
Picture Span 105
Visual puzzle 140
Block design 115
coding 100
symbol search 95

Woodcock Johnson IV
basic reading 121
Reading Comprehension 126
Reading Fluency 119
Math calculation 113
Math Solving 116
written expression 129
Letter -word 122
Word attack 116
passage Comprehension 136
Reading Recall 107
Calculation 121
Math facts fluency 101
Spelling 113
Writing Samples 139
Sentence Writing Fluency 107

He was diagnosed Convergence Insufficiency. He was also diagnosed ADHD by his pediatrician (a simple diagnosis), which we still have doubts as he does not respond to medication.

Can anyone please help interpret to see if there might be other issues?

Thanks in advance!