Here's a funny follow-up story.

DD is now 10. She's been doing some ADHD testing recently and part of it was a questionnaire - the type where you circle a number from 1 to 5 to indicate how frequently you do something, (1) being 'never', (5) being 'always'.

One of the questions was "I question everything: how things work, the meaning of things, why things are the way they are...".

DD circled 5.

I looked at her.

I clarified that "cuestiono todo" means questioning because you're curious, not questioning for the sake of arguing. (We're in Spain, the tests are in Spanish).

She confirmed that she understood the question and that yes, she has "so many questions, all the time, in her head."

I asked her why on earth, in all these years, had she never even once asked about any of those questions???

And she said...

"Because I don't want answers - I like thinking about them."

There you have it. My kid, who I genuinely thought had zero interest in the world, has actually been curious all along smile