Does anyone else here have a child who doesn't ask questions?

DD4 is a smart, active kid, quick learner, great memory, good social skills, good vocab, etc., but she doesn't ask questions at all. At least, not the inquiring kind. Have you seen my ball, can I have a cookie, can we go to the playground, etc. - these are the only sorts of questions she asks.

If I ask her open-ended questions (What do you think the weather is like above the clouds? How do you think your bike works?) she's capable of giving me a thoughtful answer. But she never asks questions. Which is unusual, right?

Anyone else ever have a kid like this?

It's great that she's got a brain that seems to process things efficiently, but I'd really like for her to have a curious mind too. I'm thinking about getting a rewards system going to encourage her to ask thoughtful questions, and to get her in the habit of thinking curiously about her environment. What do you think? Overkill?