Hello all.

I don't really know what I'm trying to accomplish with this post other than to be able to talk about this with other people who won't judge me or look at me sideways (talking about gifted issues is highly taboo in my experience). I discovered recently that as a young child, in first grade specifically, I was nearly skipped 4 grades (from the first half of grade 1 into the second half of grade 5).

I am beyond shocked. I have always known I was smart, and I remember participating in an assessment with a psychologist when I was 16 and being told I was "highly gifted", but even at that point she told me I was not "a supergenius" just "very verbally advanced" with a verbal iq of 147. Which I understand is quite intelligent but I didn't equate that number to "could graduate high school at age 12". I don't have access to that assessment, which is part of the problem.

After discussing my assessments with my parents (I also found out I was assessed in the first grade, but my mom does not know what kind of assessment I was given only that the school was confident I was "extremely advanced" after giving it to me) I am thinking I may try to get some of these files through my local school board. I feel like these issues continue to affect me.

I'm studying at university and even there I am bored. I'm majoring in psychology and my therapist has told me as far as she can tell I'm already at the graduate student level in many areas. I have come to view my undergraduate studies as necessary tedium, and wait for the day I can focus on my interests at the graduate level.

I feel so cheated out of not having this grade skip. I developed depression at a young age just from sheer boredom at school and I have continued to struggle with my mental health to this day. Is this common for someone in my situation?

I don't know if I was simply precocious or if I'm still that smart, according to my parents I spoke in full grammatically correct sentences by 1 and could read and do math by age 3. I read Shakespeare in grade 2. The signs are there, however I know that IQ isn't really stable until adolescence so perhaps I was just very ahead and leveled out over time.

I am simply lost. I would appreciate the input and advice of anyone who reads this.