Jay Matthews has been opposed to education for gifted students for many years. Why gifted education doesn’t make sense


Response to a different article he wrote that begins: "I am among those people who think gifted education classes are usually a waste of time and money. It’s better to give super-bright kids a library card or a computer with a Web connection and get out of their way." A response to his article

https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/...rry-jay-mathews-gifted-education-matters (not behind a payway but links to an article that may be)

In between these two articles, in response to many, many parents who corresponded with him, he wrote this:


His views on gifted education should be taken with caution and a search for objective evidence. For example, the article posted above includes this:

"Occasionally principals would tell me they didn’t need AP, IB or Cambridge. They said they could make their own courses just as demanding. I determined that rarely happened because their homemade final exams were not written or graded by independent experts outside the school, as AP, IB and Cambridge exams were. If classroom teachers controlled the tests, they tended to be gentle with those nice students they knew. That ruined the principals’ hopes for tough grading and high standards."

He offers no evidence for anything in this paragraph.

Jay Matthews has produced a lot of writing where you can see his evolution.