@HighIQ - I believe I see the connection between this thread and a post here.

Personally, I find a child choosing to read about US Presidents (lexile 1000) in 3rd grade to be off the charts. Unfortunately, many/most teachers may find it difficult to have a meaningful conversation with a child on the facts they were reading... and classmates, even more so.

It has been said that the optimal IQ is 124-132 (although ranges vary, for example I've also seen that some say 115-124 and I'm sure there are other versions as well).

You may know that IQ tests have various parts, each with their own score, reflective of the fact that some parts of a person's brain may be stronger/quicker and other parts no so much. The same overall IQ score may look different on different people... some may have a very even score profile, others may have one or more pronounced strengths and one or more relative weaknesses. Additionally, an IQ test score is just one snapshot in time. That said, some parents, and some teachers, have decided (wrongly, IMO) to withhold information about a pupil's IQ score(s) from the pupil, rather than having frank and open discussions about benefits and challenges. Nonetheless, people often/usually figure it out, to some degree. I will venture a guess that you were/are gifted.