I had similar levels of apprehension (although for different reasons) about my sub-clinical ADHD-ish oldest, and the best advice I received was to start with the regular driver's ed course, and then look for an advanced course in your area (I think AAA and Ford both run these), where they coach them through some extra emergency skills. And it's usually held on a track, which some young people find to be a fun novelty. Our core driver's ed school also wouldn't let them (well, would strongly advise against) take the road test until the instructors were satisfied with their safety. DC turned out to be a much better driver than we anticipated (although we did have to deal with a very low speed (parking lot) accident within a few months of obtaining the driver's license--but that's not out of the range for youthful drivers).

And if you do want to look for a specialist driver's educator:

...pronounced like the long vowel and first letter of the alphabet...