I am sure you will get far more useful information from AEH, but I must say that I find it quite astonishing that these results have been described as "not gifted".

The WISC appears to have some parts missing (there are no processing speed measures at all and only one VS subtest?). From the scores you have posted it seems entirely possible that the FSIQ could have been in the gifted range, depending on the other subtests. None the less, a GAI in the gifted range is explicitly a way of grouping subtests in order to assess for giftedness and his score is solidly into the gifted range.

Furthermore, three out of the four WIAT measures reported are in the gifted range, one of them exceptionally so.

Gifted behaviours are a very interesting aspect of giftedness and can help further understand your child, but the majority of gifted programs require standardised test scores, not a description of behaviours, and he has those scores.

Please also keep in mind that it is possible to be 2E (Twice exceptional) or "GLD" (gifted with learning delays). This does not mean a child is "not gifted". It means they are BOTH gifted, and have something else going on. Perhaps your child's essay score is significantly out of step with his VCI due to lack of opportunity to learn this skill, perhaps he has some sort of specific difficulty in this area, I am not qualified to say. But even if he has an actual difficulty in this area that does not deny his giftedness, it means he has a weakness he needs support with.