Originally Posted by aeh
Both of them, by the way, generate beautiful hand and digital art, but one is very obviously dysgraphic..

All three of mine produce advanced hand and digital art for age, and are very good to exceptional musicians for age. And all dysgraphic, to varying degrees. The most severely dysgraphic child is the least able artist, probably entirely because they rarely choose to practice this skill. They are, however, the most gifted musician. This causes significant consternation for teachers and a tendency to believe the child is faking the handwriting difficulty.

The last time we had a Ed psych evaluation I asked for the written portions to be reproduced with typing (as a thought experiment, there’s no way to do this officially). WIAT essay score: 4th percentile with handwriting, and when reproduced with typing 99th percentile... doesn’t really get much clearer than that.