Hi OP, I’m in a different country so I don’t know what’s available in the US but I think our experience here is still relevant even if the resources are different.

My son is now 15 and he has always been many maths grades ahead of his classmates. In primary school, the teachers pretty much let him do whatever he wanted as it was clear he had mastered all of the curriculum (in Yr 4, he achieved a near perfect score in a national competition for Yr 6 students and he subsequently achieved perfect scores for the next two years and near perfect scores in other competitions).

He decided to attend the local high school which has never had any student close to his calibre so they implemented an online system called Maths Pathways (which any student could also opt into). The program enables students to work at their own pace. It was particularly suited to him because each topic has a pre-topic test and a score of >90% obviates the need to do the exercises of that topic. In this way, DS finished four years of the maths curriculum in six months. At the time, Maths Pathways did not include the senior high curriculum content (it does now), so he switched to Maths Online to complete the Yr 11-12 content & sat his first HSC exam last year in Yr 9. He is sitting the extension exams this year. He has accomplished this sitting in his age appropriate class, doing different work on his laptop. He’s a friendly kid who is always happy to help his classmates so he’s always been popular and never had any issues (the fact that everyone else was also given the same opportunity for online learning was important as it meant that he wasn’t singled out).

The Digital Age offers unprecedented opportunities for tailored learning.

The Maths Olympiad program is highly worthwhile for high school students who are working beyond the school curriculum.