We did not have our 2E son tested at the GDC, but I did speak to Bobbie Gilman on the phone about him and the scores obtained in an assessment by the local school psychologist.

This happened 16 years ago and I can now say that that phone call altered the trajectory of his life. The school psychologist had diagnosed him as "just slow" and as maybe having ADHD and/or Asperger's. Ms. Gilman took my claim that he was gifted seriously and pointed us in the direction of various forms of help.

It turns out that he is HGish with dyslexia. No ADHD and no Asperger's. In the intervening years, he graduated from our homeschool, got a degree in engineering from a selective university, and is now working as a robotics engineer. If we had continued under the assumption that he was "just slow," he would never had reached his potential.