
First of all, it is important to remember that she is very young, and may not yet be demonstrating her skills in a consistent manner. Early testing should generally be considered somewhat of an approximation, due to the high variability of performance and development in young children.

Secondly, I would start from her real-life function. If you aren't seeing concerns with her memory and attention, then I wouldn't expend too much worry on a score on one particular day and test.

Thirdly, there are currently no well-validated methods for actually changing working memory in a generalized way. (There are some computerized tools that apparently can improve your ability to remember...exactly what they train you on, such as number sequences, but it doesn't appear to transfer to any other kind of working memory, even remembering something very similar, like letter sequences. You will occasionally see these marketed as research-based, which is, I suppose, technically true, but somewhat misleading.) Of course, it is often possible to learn more effective strategies for remembering things, but these are generally pattern- or association-based. Meaningful, in other words, not techniques that change the underlying working memory span.

Otherwise, her scores look very strong all around (outside of WMI), with verbal and nonverbal reasoning moderately strong, and processing speed exceptionally strong.

Also, the working memory tasks on the WPPSI are strongly visual-spatial in nature, and may or may not accurately represent the working memory of a child with a particular slant toward another modality. There is, as well, a distinction between short term memory and working memory. Short-term memory is more or less rote. Working memory involves the possibility of mental manipulations of information stored in short term memory.

Short answer: start from your IRL observations of your child. If you nor anyone else are reporting concerns, then it will be time enough to be concerned if and when they are actually raised.

...pronounced like the long vowel and first letter of the alphabet...