Need some insight, thoughts and advice! My son is up for reevaluation next year. He is gifted identified and he has an identification as specific learning disability in written expression as well as dyspraxia/DCD. He may have ADHd - not sure on that. But he has attention issues, whether from ADD or dyspraxia.

Anyway, got an email form his special-ed coordinator that said in preparation for his re-evaluation, which will be due by May 23, 2020, the district procedure is for the support teacher to complete the KTEA-3 Brief during the year prior to the re-evaluation to gain updated information in regards to reading, math, and writing skills. Because this is the year prior to the re-evaluation, he would need to complete this testing in the upcoming days. My DS is accelerated math, generally gets all As, is in honors science and is in ATP program. So, I guess I am not sure why his re-evaluation would include a KTEA-3 Brief when such a test is not really relevant to identifying his disabilities of dysgraphia, dyspraxia and low processing speed? In his previous evaluation and re-evaluation, he was specifically tested for dysgraphia/disorder of written expression. The testing at both previous evaluations identified him as has a specific learning disorder of written expression (dysgraphia). I would think a reevaluation should seek to again evaluate the continuing presence of this disorder and accompanying issues. It does not seem to me that the KTEA-3 Brief would help or shed any information in that regard? Can anyone tell me if there is any good reason to have him do it? I mean he took the SCAT for CTY so I know here he "falls," to a certain extent, because of that testing. The spec-ed teacher/coordinator tells me it is up to me - he doesn't have to do it if I don't want him to do so. I just think it would be a waste of time - and may even be detrimental since he will probably score quite high and I worry they will want to take away his iep based on that? Not sure if that is a valid concern or not.

I would think he just needs to be reevaluated in the same manner was he was during his reevaluation that occurred when he moved from elementary to middle school and when he was originally evaluated for dysgraphia/disorder of written expression (without the WISC and IQ testing). These are the tests that were used in his past evaluation and which need to be used again in this reevaluation:
Measure of Visual-Motor Integration - Bender
The Process Assessment of the Learner - Second Edition
Maybe we should add the ADHD/ADD questionnaires this time as well? I would like to see the same subtests from the Process Assessment of the Learner that were used in his previous evaluation used again in this reevaluation. These include the handwriting fluency subtests, paragraph copying subtests as well as Alphabet Automatic Legible Letter Writing, Alphabet Legible Letter Writing, Alphabet Writing Total Time, Sentence Copying Automatic Legible, Sentence Copying Legible, Letter Writing, and Sentence Copying.

So, thoughts? Should I have him do this KTEA Brief or no? Thanks!

Last edited by Irena; 06/05/19 03:27 PM.