New user here - apologies in advance if I'm missing any cues.

My daughter is finishing first grade at a private gifted school. She's doing quite well academically, but struggles behaviorally with body management and impulse control. We have been told she has sensory processing disorder, specifically a subtype in which perception of body position and orientation are impaired, and sitting quietly for long stretches is hard. We're seeing an OT and discussing accommodations, but the staff seem lukewarm. DD is on-grade but is among the very youngest in her cohort, and she has told us all year that she misses kindergarten. I'm wondering if the real root cause here is developmental asynchrony. Should we have held her back last year to let her body catch up and give her another year of less-structured play? Given that we didn't, would having her repeat first grade have any positive effects? Have you seen similar problems in your kid? How did you handle them?

A few other pertinent details. She has three or four friends in her grade, and two in the grade below. She's doing well enough with on-grade academic work that I do worry about boredom if we hold her back. A psychologist we saw thought she might be bored *now*, but I believe the school has considered and rejected this.

Thanks in advance for advice/stories/etc.