DS10.5 has been evaluated and officially is 2e (PG and high functioning ASD). he has been given a computer to use at school to help him complete assignments because handwriting is both mentally and physically exhausting for him.

he came out of his last advanced placement evaluation, yesterday, it was the language piece, EXHAUSTED. the test took 1 hour. he said he had to write vocabulary and sentences. he said it was particularly exhausting to get the words from his brain onto the paper in any sort of timely fashion.

his handwriting is PERFECT and perfectionist. the thought of 'sloppy' writing to enable faster writing is atrocious to him. his mental age is >19yr, and his ability to write is pretty close to 10yr appropriate.

spelling comes naturally for him. he can speak his answer easily. his typing skills are great enough that they far outstrip his ability to write by hand for speed. when he types, he prefers a fancy pretty font, and likes to organize his papers in a centered and neat style.

he does get stuck on the use of synonyms, as to him, although the meanings are SIMILAR, there are true distinctions between words and therefore appropriate use.

i did explain to him, likely, this disconnect in his chronological age to his mental age will become less as he grows, so the exhaustion isn't forever (an assumption on my part).

we are evaluating therapy at this time, he should be receiving ABA (possibly center based) and SLP.

what programs have other parents had luck with to help improve this brain to handwriting connection?

son - august 2008 - PG and ASD