Originally Posted by incogneato
Ohh, I like your new avatar.

Nice job, Doodlebug and DH.

Let me know when they imply that they shouldn't have to do anything special for your child becuase there is/there are a child/children that are smarter. I'll let you know what to say to that one.

Sorry, Neato, but I just got back to this thread. We've actually had that response. Back when we were first advocating for the early entrance to first grade they gave me that line about "we have other advanced in our school....." and how they weren't offering them anything special either. At that time I pointed out that at the moment I was only concerned with *my* child but perhaps after we dealt with *this* issue for him then the school administration could deal with the larger problem at hand - that of *many* bright children being left behind!

Thanks for the avatar compliment. It's my "bloom where you are planted" theme!