This doesn't address the question exactly, but this is how I explained it to my mother-in-law.

30 point swings on the IQ scale make a huge difference. Compare a IQ=70 child and a IQ=100 child. If an average IQ kid was placed in a classroom filled with and designed for IQ=70 kids, then they would be very under-challenged. The same is true for most MG gifted kids of IQ=130, who are sitting in a classroom designed for IQ=100 kids.

Most HG+ kids are somewhere between 15 points and 30 points (???) beyond even the kids who make up most gifted programs. So you get into the same problem if you put a HG+ kid in a classroom designed for MG gifted kids.

Heaven help the HG+ kid who is sitting in a regular classroom and only given an hour a week of MG pullout classes. You are getting into a 45 to 60 point difference in IQ? I read in a book on exceptionally gifted kids that it is akin to watching a 2 hour movie in slow motion. It would take 6 hours to watch a 2 hour movie. Day after day after day..... tired zzzzzzzzzz

Mom to DS12 and DD3