Thanks. I had planned to take her to the Eides for her last eval but they shut down JUST before I tried to get her on their waiting list. I emailed just in case and he kindly wrote back to refer me to someone. We got a detailed 50 page report but with a few issues that make me hesitant to go back to the same person this time around. Big sigh...

I will check out Johns Hopkins and the person Portia pm'd about. But perhaps the hive mind can weigh in on something -

Do we NEED a new eval?

DD already has 11 diagnoses and has been receiving services for 8+ years. I don't think we need more identifications and we have a school program that is working well for her. We've pretty effectively remediated what could be remediated and have work arounds for what couldn't. (So thankful she lives in an age where assistive technology is available to her!) If the district insists on a new eval as part of her triennial I want to be prepared with the right evaluator. But what are the arguments for and against an eval at this point? If not needed and we can avoid the time, expense and stress it might put on her that would be a good thing - right?

Any and all input would be much appreciated.