Has anyone found a REALLY GOOD 2e evaluator? I'm willing to travel just about anywhere in the US for the right person.

DD14 is a year away from what is likely to be her last triennial review. She has made amazing progress in the past few years and has a really good school program in place. At the time of her last eval she was in 4th grade, had just turned 10, and was on really strong meds to control her migraines that slowed her already extremely slow processing to that of a tortoise stuck in the mud. At that time her grade level equivalents ranged from below pre-k to above graduate school level. Her percentile scores ranged from below the 1st percentile to above the 99th. The report made clear her numbers existed in 0.0% of the population. She is the definition of a complex 2e kiddo.

Fast forward 4 years and her dyslexia has been remediated, her high level math comprehension is showing through despite her inability to fully grasp lower level arithmetic, her migraines are under control so is no longer on meds. Doing so, so,well.

We have enough time to wait out just about any waitlist. But need someone who really gets 2e. We want a roadmap to the next 3 years (and perhaps beyond) not someone who will put what we have at risk.

Suggestions? We would prefer someone in the northeast but as I said will travel just about anywhere in the US.