Hi. I'm back again for more input. My son (5.10) had to redo the WPPSI for school admissions this year as well. Since last year, he had an OT evaluation. He did not show a strong hand preference and was switching hands amongst other balnace and strength issues. The therapist vacillated on his handedness as well for a number of visits until they seemed to establish using the right for writing. The therapist said his hand would never be able to keep up with his brain but he has worked very hard since then and has made great progress. I would say his handwriting is middle of the pack in his K class and legible so a vast improvement. He is 2 grade levels ahead in reading and about a year and half ahead in math. He came from a Montessori school so I had no idea where he was relative to his peers, academically, prior to starting K this fall.

His WPPSI scores were higher this year but he still was low in WMI and VSI. His PSI was in the 99% so he must have been the one racing through the test. I don't have subtest scores but I have the opportunity to speak to the director of testing that does have them and I was wondering if there are any questions I should ask that would give me any insight. None of this would really matter if I didn't have to make a schooling decision. Does any of this mean anything when looking at whether he could do well in an academically rigorous program? Does low WMI he might struggle down the line?
Any imput appreciated again.

VCI 90%
VSI 73%
FRI 95%
WMI 58%
PSI 99%
FSIQ 96%