Love that post! Echoes what I was thinking just the other day. My adorable challenging toddler with obsessions and sensory issues turned into a stressed little boy who was very unhappy at school, drawing pictures of schools blowing up. We moved him to a small private school soon after, where he found friends and was accelerated, and things got so much better. Still, we had issues from time to time, it wasn't always easy, and I lurked here a lot. (Thanks!)

Now he's thriving in a public high school, coasting in his classes and happily devoting hours and hours to successful science fair projects, while also finding time to play piano, run, spend time with local friends, and keep in touch with science fair friends all over the country and the world. He's still a little OCD about hand-washing, and sometimes he's an ornery, opinionated teenager, but he's generally lovely. He has goals and friends and he's happy, and I couldn't ask for more.

I would have been so relieved if I'd been able to see this future when he was 5!

Best wishes to all with little ones in similar situations. I can't promise, of course, but in our case, it got much better.