Thanks Platypus. Lots of good information there. How is your son doing in high school?

Our meeting this morning went fairly well. The psychologist said he had never before encountered a child that didn't miss any items in the entire digit span test. He probably could have gone further on that, PS, and arithmetic, but the psychologist doesn't know of any way to test past the ceiling of 19.

They agreed that because he's hitting ceilings in his strong areas, and his fine motor/processing speed issues are bringing down the weaker areas, the 133 is probably a low estimate of his ability.

I feel like the elementary school team is finally starting to "get" the severe discrepancy between his mental ability and his output--just in time to start these conversations over again when he moves into middle school.

It seems our issue with getting a specific learning disability in written expression diagnosis is that it says it can't be related to a health/motor problem, which is at least part of DS's difficulty. However, in the same breath, they say his health/motor issues aren't severe enough to warrant IEP eligibility for those. So we're still on the same 504 plan for now, awaiting yet another OT assessment--which will be his third since May 2017. They're also going to do a TOWL test to see if that brings anything new to light. We're meeting again at the end of November.