So, I finally got DS9's WISC 5 results this morning. The evaluation was requested because we wanted to evaluate for a specific learning disability in writing, which they told us only the psychologist could diagnose. However the psychologist's report only mentions evaluation for GT, which we already knew he qualified for. Our IEP evaluation meeting is supposed to be tomorrow morning.

Here are the results:

Block Design: 18
Matrix Reasoning: 11
Coding: 12
Figure Weights: 12
Picture Span: 19
Arithmetic: 19
Similarities: 17
Digit Span: 19
Vocabulary: 16
Visual Puzzles: 13
Symbol Search: 11

Verbal Composite: 136
Fluid Reasoning: 109
Processing Speed: 103
Visual-Spatial: 132
Working Memory: 155
Full Scale: 133

His recent KTEA results are:
ASB: 138
Reading Composite: 126
Math Composite: 158
Written Language Composite: 106

And the KTEA subscores are:
Letter and Word Recognition: 115
Reading Comprehension: 131
Math Concepts and Applications: 150
Math Computation: 160
Written Expression: 114
Spelling: 99
Phonological Processing: 108
Nonsense Word Decoding: 116
Silent Reading Fluency: 110
Word Recognition Fluency: 120
Reading Vocabulary: 133
Associational Fluency: 120
Object Naming Fluency: 91
Listening Comprehension: 143
Oral Expression: 140
Letter Naming Facility: 97
Writing Fluency: 74
Math Fluency: 103

Besides the fact that he has an incredible working memory, what can we learn from these WISC results? Which subtests would be affected by a fine motor weakness? Which would be affected by some sort of visual processing issue that could also be affecting his writing?

What specific questions do I need to ask at our meeting to actually get the answers we need?