Those reminded me of Rite's first words and Mite's first songs. It's amazing I didn't realize who they were in their beginnings now that I look back. I know I asked a lot of people when Rite was young, what they thought of his abilities, and I was always told it would "even out" and that I was just a proud momma. Oh how those words have harmed my children.

I tell both boys now to be very observant of their abilities and to know they have them. While it is not in their interests to flaunt the abilities, it is definitely in their interest to use them.

I love Valentine's awe of his sons. Even if they weren't gifted, you can tell he adores them and enjoys being a father.

I often feel that awe of my boys. Being their mom is such a wonderful experience for all the love and joy they give and share, and then for how fascinating their minds are.

Willa Gayle