Thank you for both of your advice.

The psychologist has requested he be placed with a teacher of my choosing which is an excellent, compassionate teacher with understanding of gifted kids.

He has improved so much with his behaviour and effort I now have faith that he will improve further.

I also feel a grade skip should wait, but I also worry that he will grow to hate school more so in that time. I waited as long as possible to do testing until the point that he could actually sit and do the test and it be early enough to help him.

He scored highest on vocabulary, then figure weights, then block design, then symbol search, then picture span. Can you suggest where I might see these in real life academic abilities and what interests I can suggest to him? He is only interested in Minecraft and robotics.

I have thought about martial arts, but he has such a temper towards his brother I worry about weaponising his body lol

Thank you.