Our DS (10) was SSA'd last year one grade in math. He took 5th gr when he was in 4th. This year entering 5th grade the school has offered to let him advance again the to 7th grade dedicated GT math class because he was going to be transported to the middle school anyway (15 minute bus ride away), which is fantastic, and he was very happy about that. The problem is, for the scheduling to work he would be pulled out of his normal lunch(1/2hr) and recess (1/2hr) with all of his friends and would instead be given a 30 min total lunch/recess with the 3/4gr. before he is bused to middle school. This is a big issue for him. He loves sports as well and cherishes his recess as a time to compete with his friends. He doesn't want to miss his 5th grade recess.

There was another option of remaining in the standard 6th grade math class (which will not appropriately challenge him) also at the middle school which would require being at school at an hour earlier (its the first class of the day and the middle school starts hour earlier) then bus back to elementary and continue day as normal. It would be a very long day 7-330

Really torn on what we should do.

any thoughts? or other ideas?