I really feel for your in this tough situation. What has the school said they are going to do about the teasing? Will they provide notes of what they see? Will they monitor the hallways closely and see what they find?

Does the psychologist have any recommendations for the school? I feel that school refusalis a big problem and the school has to help you in solving it.

Is the teacher supportive of your child, do they model appropriate behavior, or allow teasing (or even encourage it)? Do they talk about your child positively, or point out faults?

In the past, we did have one teacher that (maybe without them realizing it) was encouraging teasing.

Practical advice, do you have other activities, religious groups, etc where your son can look for friends, or a sense of belonging? That is what I would try first.

Last edited by howdy; 08/26/18 07:05 PM.