Thought of one more random small thing - slightly different school calendar (I think). Canadian universities generally start the first week of September and go until Christmas. I often wrote exams as late as Dec 23 (but I was in an exam heavy major). Most schools do a few "reading days" in Oct and of course he wouldn't have American Thanksgiving off (Canadian Thanksgiving is mid-Oct and less of a big thing).

Second Semester starts in Jan (usually had ~2 weeks off between semesters) and exams are the end of April. I think most (if not all) schools do a week off in Feb.

Some Universities offer summer courses in a compressed format - one semester in May/June and then another in July/August. Co-op schools are more likely to offer a third 4 month semester and have more courses available. My major had pretty much zero course offerings from May-Aug (most students went home and/or worked). Some did take their very few options to get them out of the way.

Last edited by chay; 08/16/18 06:33 AM. Reason: fixed reading week timing