I would have stepped in by now especially when his bed was pushed out.

At this age unfortunately, some of the kids don't know how to handle their negative experiences with school work or social interaction and some take it out on other kids. Does the school have a counselor? If so that is who I will speak to first, not the homeroom teacher, since K10's interaction with your son is not restricted to the homeroom.There is a counselor at my kids school for each grade who is very familiar with the age group and they really know how to turn the kids around.

When one of the kids started some trouble with my son and even threatened him, the counselor immediately stepped in and told me she will take care of it. I let her deal with it, my only request was that she ensure that my son never sits next to the boy in any class, since that would be a recipe for disaster. They agreed and notified all the teachers. Since then the boy has not bothered my son and my son has stayed away from him.