Our district has similar philosophies. I would be very careful, personally. If your kid can tolerate repeating the same class during the school year, which may be a possible outcome, then I see no downside. But I would consider it a possibility when deciding- I have seen it happen (though sometimes kids do this by choice to boost their GPA, but that’s a different story...). Our school had a pretty strict policy of not accepting outside coursework, and they refused to allow testing out. However, this seems to have been relaxed over the past couple years- depending on how one goes about it. If you can, and haven’t yet, I would speak with the math Dept head at the high school, or with the teacher who teaches the class he would enter after completing the summer class. They seemed to have much more reasonable ideas than the administrative people, who draw a line in the sand and seemed unwilling to consider any flexibility in interpretation. Another helpful thing is to track down a kid who has done it successfully and figure out who they approached and how. In districts like ours, this info can be hard to come by and people are not open about it, primarily because it’s against the written policies. But it does happen.