Originally Posted by Val
... $12,000 college admissions counselors is a sign of severe problems in wealth inequality.
Some may say that spending $12K USD on college admissions is out of reach for most families. In addition to considering it a luxury good and an unnecessary expense, some may say that families with a DIY approach are learning much more and developing themselves more fully by virtue of their research.

Wealth inequality is rather fluid in the US, as evidenced by persons of modest financial means rising to the top of their fields... including Chris Gardner, Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Ben Carson, Oprah Winfrey, and many authors, actors/actresses, musicians, and athletes.

"Wealth inequality" provides a strong incentive for many individuals to work, suffer, sacrifice, save, and achieve greater economic stability. Meanwhile, US taxpayers fund many social services, providing a strong safety net. Due to protections of free speech and religious freedom in the US, there are also many charitable foundations providing discretionary funding to help select individuals/groups in need achieve the American Dream of upward socio-economic mobility.