Thanks for your help. I guess I just feel kind of overwhelmed that there are so many potential causes of his low processing speed and don't know where to start. We are not the wretched of the earth, but if I were to explore every potential cause listed above it would overwhelm the family budget.

The obvious potential causes that are visual/OT-related are due to stuff he inherited from me, and processing speed has always been one of my intellectual strengths. I did hate writing because my hand couldn't keep up with my brain, but I was still always the first one done with any assignment, I read around 1,000 word/minute, etc. Our hypermobility is EDS-III, i.e., the mild type, and it may well contribute to our fine motor difficulties and general clumsiness but hasn't been an issue for me otherwise. I don't see signs of OCPD in either of us, but it was interesting to read about the association.

I have read up on dysgraphia, which my mom (who is a teacher) used to joke about having me tested for when I was a kid because of my own handwriting issues. I don't *think* our issues rise to that level, but I'm not an expert and would be open to the possibility. My son actively enjoys writing and has created a series of "books" that he writes at home. They aren't always totally legible, but he doesn't mind the process. smile

My husband isn't especially worried about the processing speed thing since he was a very successful student and processing speed clearly isn't his strength. I haven't let the poor guy finish a sentence in years. smile

My son is usually quite compliant about finishing the limited amount of homework he has gotten so far in K. It also doesn't seem to take him very long, but of course, it's all been material that has been very easy for him. (It's all been math homework, and he can add two-digit numbers in his head, has a rudimentary understanding of addition and subtraction of negative numbers, etc.)

I feel like I should probably work with him on the fine motor stuff over the summer, ask about the possibility of visual issues and school at his next ophthalmology appointment (though again, he's not having any trouble with reading so far). Otherwise, I should probably wait and see. I guess I just don't know if any of his issues are real red flags or if any of the causes seem more likely than the others--or if my kid is just a bright kid with low processing speed.

Thank you for listening to me ramble! Any other thoughts are definitely appreciated.