I'm currently putting together a parent resource library for a newly formed Special Ed PTA and am looking for recommendations of the books you have found most helpful on your journey. There are several highly recommended books from Wrightslaw (From Emotions to Advocacy, All About IEP's and All About Tests and Evaluations) already on my list. Are these good choices or have you found better ones?

I have read good things here about "The Explosive Child" and "The Misunderstood Child". Still recommended? How about "Driven to Distraction" or "Social Rules for Kids"? Is there a better go to than "Overcoming Dyslexia" or "The Dyslexic Advantage"? When we were first starting out I found "101 School Success Tools for Smart Kids with Learning Difficulties" very helpful but I don't know if anything more recent has taken it's place.

Any and all input would be appreciated. Since this will be for a SEPTA there will be a large range of need. I have no personal experience with ADHD, autism or difficult behaviors so am especially interested in identifying helpful titles in those areas.

Thanks in advance.