Thank you all for your suggestions!!! Our strategy too is evolving smile We ended up signing her up for Mathnasium which she really likes and she is getting more instruction (the common core way) at her level. I wrote before I was happy with the differentiated reading/writing instruction she gets at school but not any more lol. We had another parent teacher conference only to hear that the district limits the reading level for each grade and the teacher is not allowed to teach beyond that level. So she�s been at reading level �L� since Jan and will be there for the remainder of the year. She�s way past L. Ugh. So now I have to figure out what to do if anything at all. She has her books at home and we go to the library every weekend so maybe that�s enough. I don�t know. Anyway sorry this ended up as a rant but man just when I feel like I had everything figured out...