Hi, I have been reading this forum for years because I have always had a feeling my oldest (and maybe youngest) is at least bright. She's in first grade now and we had our parent-teacher conference. We found out that the teacher has been giving her differentiated work and we're happy with the writing/reading portion but not so much math. She said she is concerned our daughter is bored with math bc it's way too easy for her and has thus been sending her home with more difficult homework. Which is fine but it means she's not getting what she needs in the classroom. Her mind is not being stretched in class. What is the best way to challenge and enrich her afterschool? Private tutor? Kumon? Something else? Also we never tested our daughter bc our district (in SF Bay Area) does not provide funding for gifted programs and private is $40K/year/child which is out of the question for us, so we did not see any reason to do it. But should we test her such that we can use the piece of paper to advocate on her behalf with school administrators and teachers? Do teachers find the scores useful at all or would I get an eye roll?

Thank you in advance.