I can only speak to the challenges I have had with my DS 9 who has ASD. DS9 seems to have symptoms of a mood disorder but his counselor told us as well it was part of his ASD. His counselor explained when he sees a list of diagnoses in a child it is usually ASD. I am not really sure. However, I definitely agree with the others that CBT can be used for a young child as it has helped my DS. Second year in counseling and he has made a lot progress. He has conquered a number of fears, shut downs greatly reduced and mood has over all improved (he has always been moody but having less swings). There were many sessions he was not able to attend/participate fully because of his social issues/anxiety. We were still able to discuss issues to focus on with the counselor and use CBT skills to help him at home and school. Even when we did not think he was listening or picking up the skills he was! The counselor was very supportive and knew ds was capable even when he did not verbally respond in session. When selecting a therapist we went with one that specializes in working with children who had anxiety, depression and ASD. Good luck! I know it can be difficult to find a provider that is supportive and listens to your needs. We had to go through a few before finding a good one.