Originally Posted by aquinas
Make sure you have audit safeguards in place so you can track implementation. I've been on the receiving end of acquiescence that morphed quickly into total inaction, and I'm now doing daily monitoring to ensure that the promises are fulfilled.

Good luck, congratulations!

thank you!

i have no idea about audit safeguards, or how to track progress, but i'm sure i'll be learning. smile honestly, i don't even know how it's going to work, or how often, or the like. but it's been implemented, which is more than anyone else i know in our district has been able to accomplishment.

i'll have to talk to the principal to find out how to follow up on what he'll be working on and how often they'll meet, if they'll set up specific goals and so on, or if it'll be more organic in nature. i'm not sure that they know. so far as i know, this is the first time they've done this for a student, so it's new territory for them, too.