Not sure which data suggest APD, although it is often a rule-out with attentional issues, so that might be where it's coming from.

Your DC does have relatively lower (average) memory scores, but they follow the same pattern as the reasoning scores, which is, stronger in auditory working memory (paralleling verbal strengths in the EH range), and weaker in visual working memory (paralleling less extreme visual spatial strengths in the VH range).

Processing speed also has a bit of diversity in it, as the fine-motor involved number is lower than that of the motor-reduced task. Have fine motor/occupational therapy assessments been done, e.g., for handwriting skills? That can certainly impact writing. These scores may also reflect automaticity deficits, which may affect both reading and writing. It is also true that either relatively weaker working memory or processing speed may be associated with symptoms of ADHD.

The cognitive data alone are insufficient to rule in/out dyslexia. If you have academic achievement testing that you feel comfortable sharing, that would likely be more informative. (And, one hopes, was the basis of making no dyslexia diagnosis.)

...pronounced like the long vowel and first letter of the alphabet...