Recently my DS9's therapist wants him to be tested again for ADD. He was tested for it in 2nd grade and ADD was ruled out. Currently, DS9 is doing very well academically in school working above grade level in both reading and math. His teacher put him on a learning plan so he can work ahead at his own pace in math and reading. However, he is slow to complete his work (especially art projects and writing) and does not do well on simple timed tests. He has been this way all through school. Kinda of absent minded. The teacher did not seem concerned at conference. He does struggle with social issues due to possible ASD and anxiety at school. Recently, he is spending one recess inside reading as part of an adjustment on his 504 which has helped him be less stressed at the end of the day. Does being slower in completing work indicate a problem with attention? Is this testing really necessary? I feel like he already has enough diagnoses.