I would like to use my DD8’s fall 2017 MAP scores as one data point in support of a request for single subject acceleration in language arts. Would it be appropriate to rely on Table C.1.4 in this document (pp. 73-74) to compare her achievement with test takers in higher grades: http://www.sowashco.org/files/department/rea/2015NormsReport_Reading.pdf? It is not information I’ve ever seen our school use.

DD (3rd grade) scored a 235 in reading. Would that place her at roughly the 91st percentile among 7th graders? Or am I misunderstanding something? I know that percentile rank would be different for our local district. Is there anything to be made of the fact that she took the 2-5 version of the test whereas students in grades 6 and 7 were taking the 6+ version?

I’ve been reading old posts on the subject and take to heart the advice that MAP is not a good tool for determining instructional level, particularly in language arts (thank you, aeh!). My main point to the school is that DD’s MAP scores, along with her WISC and WIAT results, provide strong evidence of readiness for advanced work. Curriculum-based assessment would be a reasonable next step.

Thanks very much in advance for any thoughts!