My go-to for study skills:

This is the parent version, but if the school were willing to support a general ed study skills group (maybe a "success skills for high school" group?), they could also use the teacher version.

In terms of buy-in--does she recognize that she has some skill gaps in work completion/submission? Because if she doesn't, or at least acknowledge that there is room for growth, there is no program or intervention that will work. Or, perhaps, engaging in a study skill-building regimen might be something that can be presented as an alternative to non-stop parental nagging.

-Self-monitoring, with a token economy or reward system for on-time percentage above a certain number. (E.g., a point each day, or by class, depending on how microscopic you need to get, for writing assignments down in planner, completion of work, handing in work)

...pronounced like the long vowel and first letter of the alphabet...