I am working with a tiny 4 year old boy who is really struggling with behavior issues at school (running, biting, pulling hair, etc). This is never done maliciously - he seems unable to control himself. We are in a country where getting an assessment is a very unusual situation. Luckily I have tracked down resources for this family. The flip side of all this is that he is only 4 and reading at a 2nd grade level in his native language (which does not use the Roman alphabet). On top of that he has figured out how to phonetically read English by watching TV and videos. Mom has admitted she was moved from K to 2nd when she was little, and she had behavior issues as well. In this country acceleration is unheard of.

The organization that plans to assess him says there is no IQ test in his language. They are baffled that I would even ask for him to be tested for IQ. I suspect that some (not all) of his behavior is utter boredom. Very little to nothing known about giftedness here. Thoughts?