I've often read threads where parents are concerned about their child being able to get into private college X, Y, or Z and often cocked my head a bit wondering if they really believe it's that important. Of course I can't speak for every field of study, I'm certain in certain fields of study it "can" make a difference, however, I've been convinced that for the mass majority of fields, employers are much less concerned about where you went to college as what classes you took while there, what non-academic activities you took advantage of, and whether you did reasonably well. I've seen many more potential college graduates fail to impress because of poor interviewing skills than because of the college they attended.

So with the above in mind, it was interesting today when I ran across an article of the top 50 engineering colleges in the country. Of course, I don't see what metric they used to measure and it's only one source's opinion, however, which colleges they see as top of the line might surprise you, most are state colleges.
