Really? Tell me more. Last year, in first grade, when my son was given a writing assignment he often daydreamed and only wrote one or two sentences while others wrote more than twice as much. He required multiple check-ins and prompting from the teacher with writing assignments. When I asked my son what was happening, my explained that he had so many ideas, he wasn't sure which one to write. I talked to him about brainstorming and assumed that he had some executive functioning issues and needed support with scaffolding/organizing his ideas. I even wondered if he had inattentive ADD because his teacher was saying he daydreamed a lot and that she felt he was under performing, "given how brilliant he is." I also know that my son doesn't enjoy handwriting and thought that might have been slowing him down. He's in second grade now and he seems to have much better executive functioning than last year.

Do you think the expectations were too high? The other kids, who were bright but not necessarily gifted, seemed to be able to meet the expectations so I thought they were appropriate. Or maybe I misunderstand your comment.