We attended both the Local and Grand ceremony for CTY last year. GC was about a 4 hour drive and we made a weekend out of doing some sightseeing/touristy things.

We didn't attend either TIP State or Grand ceremony this year, as they were way too far. We skipped this year's local CTY. This year's Grand Ceremony is a question mark - we're waiting on a final date and to see what else we are doing that weekend.

I think it's worth attending anything local once (our local CTY was 30 minutes away), and at least one Grand Ceremony, if feasible. It's a significant accomplishment that should be recognized at least once, if possible.

I wouldn't travel an extended distance for a local/state ceremony - maybe 2 hours.

Five hours would be at the outer limit for me for any Grand ceremony, but if our family wasn't busy, and it was in an interesting place where we could do other things, see family members, etc., I'd probably do it at least once.

Last edited by Cranberry; 08/18/17 02:11 PM.