DD is 3Y9M and a couple of weeks ago I took her to our local Science Center where they had the Seasonal exhibit of Dinosaur Fossil Excavation.

She was there, sitting crisscross in the sand pit, under the sweltering summer heat (it was 85+ F that day) and carefully brushing away the sand over one of the buried fossils. A helpful volunteer saw the deeply engrossed little one and started talking Dinosaurs with her.

Volunteer: ...and over there, we have Maiasaura
DD: Um.. I like Maiasaura. Do you have Heterodontosaurus fossils?
Volunteer: Er, what? No.
DD: I want to see a Micropachycephalosaurus.
Volunteer: Er, we don't have that either. What other Dinosaurs do you know?
DD: Argentinosaurus, Futalognkosaurus and Brachiosaurus are all long saurus.

About 10 mins after that conversation happened, she took a handful of sand, came up to me smiling, dropped it into my pocket and started laughing out loud.