Ah, the new transcript was sent, to the house and to the college. Yay! Next up: heading to orientation, will find out whether DS made the invite-only math class (I expect so) and talk to Services about things related to the IEP.

DS also had to take a world language placement test. He didn't take Year 5 of his world language this past year due to schedule conflicts and worried that he wouldn't do well; his usage this past year has been limited to hearing "eh, DS, il est l'heure de se lever! Depeches-toi!" And responding sleepily "Ouia Ouia..." But, he did well enough to place in the intermediate level (year 2?). Funny kid, he doesn't read much in English, but says in French his reading comprehension is better than his aural comp rehension. I read a lot in English, but had the opposite experience with French. I wonder if there is something to that?