Originally Posted by marigold82076
My son's school uses the ITBS to qualify students for acceleration. My son took the 3rd grade ITBS and the results letter we received simply stated "Did Not Pass". Is there any way I can make the district give me his actual scores?

It might actually not be difficult to get the score report - this is what you would do in my school district, not sure if it's the same where you're at, but generally, there's a person/contact to ask for this info, and the school district (here), will give you a copy of or let you look at or copy whatever records you're legally entitled to. When I needed to ask for a copy of test results for gifted program that one of my children had taken through the district, I first asked the person who'd administered the test, and they referred me to the central records location where students' files are kept - all it took was a call/email to that location and I was able to get a copy of the record. It *might* be more difficult where you are, but it also might be relatively easy. You have a right (via FERPA) to be provided with the information if you request it, so I'd either start by asking the person who administered the test at school who to contact, or I'd dig around on your school district's website to see if there's a contact # listed for records, or I'd call your central administration general info # and ask who to contact.

Best wishes,
