Originally Posted by incogneato
I've actually engendered some friendships by bold faced walking up to people who clearly seemed annoyed by me and engaging them in conversation. As if it never occurred to me that they wouldn't be interested in having a conversation with them. Surprisingly, often they became new friends. smile

I just had to comment on this! When I was younger I was always very shy and worried somewhat about what other people thought. I also hung back in situations where there were lots of people because I didn't know what to say. As an adult I became friends with the most outgoing extroverted person I have ever met. Every where we went she was friendly to everyone and much to my surprise, everyone responded in a positive, friendly manner! I learned a lot from her. I am now much friendly to everyone and most people want to be friendly back. Lots of other people are shy too but I don't think we always give others the benefit of the doubt. Also, I've also learned as I've gotten older, people are really tied up in themselves, and while they may give you a passing thought, they really aren't that interested in what you are doing.

These are things I so wished I had understood earlier!!! I'm trying to teach my kids to just be friendly to everyone and to try to ascribe the best possible motives behind people's actions that they can. I want people to cut me lots of slack, so I figure I can do the same for them!! smile